Friday, August 25, 2006


Sitting through a half day of schol with wet socks is absolutely terrible! At least I got to see some friends again. I dropped biology because it was too hard ( I thought the teacher was writing in the readings for all the characters for my sake, but it turns out they were for the other students as well!) Classes dont actually start until the 4th, but there is so preterm stuff. I dont mind too much, because it gives me something to do. After school, I went to Tokyo University, which is one of the most famous uni s in the country, and bought an electronic dictionary. Alex had given me some money to do so, and so I did. It looked good, did the things I wanted it to, and was 53 percent off! or so it claimed. I looked at the one with Korean, which was really cool because you could enter in 3 languages, but I figured that I dont have any more korean friends since my last one left for canada. I am gonna start studyng (GASP) next week.



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