Saturday, July 01, 2006

Tour Redux.

Now that my first and second are out, Valverde is going to win. Im not sure Vino has the team, most of them being kicked out, and Americans? Landis won too many races early on, I think he will be pretty pooped. No podium, but Chris Horner will have a good tour. Boonen takes the green, unless he drops out, AGAIN.

Had a great day. After school, I went and met Dash, and we hung out the whole day. Wondered some, ate some, for dinner we went to this amazing 300 year old Tofu restaurant. Tofu wine? I wish I could buy alcohol. I probably could, I think I am looking kinda old. I dunno. Not that I drink, but come on, tofu wine? Got to stay out late, came home before my curfew, which made my parents happy, finally found a book I was looking for (Endo Shusaku's Foreign Studies, but in Japanese) and also got a facing page (Englihs and Japanese) translation of bushido. Cool beans.

Dash gave me a Ritter Sport bar that he had brought from the US, had schlepped it all over Japan, and it was awesome. I started eating it waiting for the train coming home, and by the time I arrived, it was gone. shucks

love to all




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