Friday, June 16, 2006

My feet hurt!

Why is this? It probably has something to do with really cheap tickets and the Yomiuri Giants. I was invited by one of my classmates to go to a baseball game with him after school. Unfortunately, I forgot my shoes, so I was wearing shorts, a giants jersey, and black leather loafers. I watched the Rakuten Eagles beat the Yomiuri Giants 7 to 3 at the Tokyo Dome, which was totally a blast. So my feet. For 500 yen (about 5 bucks) I got a student ticket. Standing room only. So I stood for 3 and a half hours but totally had a blast, lost part of my voice, and got a free Giants towel. A homerun ball hit two rows in front of us, which is pretty amazing, because we were way at the back. I took some pictures, but they didnt turn out very well, as well as my host families computer is old and frail, and I am afraid of breaking it by loading pictures.
Other sports: I havent gotten out on a long ride in a long time, but I found a great path that according to my friend Tomity will take me 35 kilometers to Tokyo Disneyland. I watch the first half of every World Cup match and then go to sleep, because they are on late. Bummer about Japan, but I just like sports, I usually dont care who wins.

All for now, I need to sleep.



At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm here! Ryokan Asakusa Shigetsu. The reservations are under "Batterman", 03 3843 2345, the room numbers are 302 and 502. See you soon

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Peter. Thanks for the call. I didn't hang up on you, by the way, the call got dropped somehow. I'm glad to hear your living voice. Rest assured that there will be pancakes and fried eggs in your future.

Hey, send me an email sometime

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