Thursday, May 18, 2006

caution: swear words ahead

I am pissed. According to my teacher, my next homestay will be with a classmate. this is nice because i will have a friend my age, but this one is, apparently, also for 2 months. as i understood, WYS couldnt find another family for me, so they had to resort to asking the school, and they are finding kids in my class who will take me for two months. WTF!!!!! what the hell am I stuck doing this stupid fucking two months thing. none of the the other exchange students have to move around like this. it is absolutely ridicolous. why the hell cant my damn program find a stupid family for me to live with. two months is not nearly enough time to get teh family feeling going, so they shouldnt be calling it the 'host family'. I am hella pissed about that. i am probably going to get a call tonight from him and ask about what is up with all that, because having to change every two months is not going to be good for my health, both mental and physical. why the hell cant they find a damn family!?!?!?!? this is just dumb. straight up bullshit.

WYS okayed the cellphone thing, so now I can get one, which means I probably wont be so lonely anymore. whoopdydoo, i still have to deal with this fucking home problem.

goddamn it

