This post is for Roger Geller, and the bikes of Portland

By now, most of you should have seen the great new bike signs going up around Portland which have destination distance and time on them. The picture at left is not of them. Ian Hoyer and I helped the city put them up, and we had a blast. but I get to japan and I see these signs. The calorie thing I belive is for walkers, and I thought these signs were pretty sweet. Destination, distance and calories burned? maybe something to think about for the next batch of signs with all the weight freaks in the states? I dunno, I really like the ones in Portland.
could someone forward this post/link to blog to jonathan at bikeportland, I keep forgetting to send it to him.
Hey Peter,
I just heard about your site. It's funny because I've been wondering why I haven't seen you around forever. Thanks for the post...I'll include this on my site in the next few days.
Good luck with everything and keep in touch!
Thanks Peter. Your Dad just reminded me of the link to your site.
Cool signs. Perhaps will all the health-consciousness arising in the US people will be interested in KCal burned. Or perhaps we can talk instead about the amount of dessert somebody can eat if they ride to a particular destination: "Hawthorne District, 5 miles, 30 minutes, 2 cupcakes"
I'm going to try to download that picture and include it in a presentation I'll be doing at a conference this September about bikeway signs.
Cheers, Roger
Roger, the desert idea is brilliant. I can send you a copy of the picture if you want. It would probably be better quality then the one on the web, but it is also going to be about 3 meg. Is that ok?
Hey, just learned 'bout your site from the good person at bikeportland (aka J. Maus). Keep up the cool postings.
I always thought that Japanese biking culture in the cities was cool - I never really noticed the tension between peds, cars and bikes that we have in Ptown when I went to school in Tokyo (though it seemed like I was the only person who dared ride in the streets).
Anyways, keep up the work, and let us know if you ever see a convergance of your interests, ie. Japanese girls _on_ bikes!
bry, i am working on the japanese girls on bike thing. there is one picture that i really want to take, but it is rather awkward to ask a girl if i can take a picture of her foot on the pedal. 4 inch stilltos riding bikes? HOT!!!!
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