Sunday, April 23, 2006


i just got this really weird feeling. my birthday is coming up, and it will be sweet because i will turn 17 in Japan, which is a pretty cool birthday present. BUT, im not really sure when my birthday is. sure its april 27th, but april 27th in the united states. april 27th in japan is not april 27th in the US, save i couple hours late at night. does that mean I turn 17 on a day that isnt my birthday? how cool is that!



At 2:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how ya doing?
ooooo, good looking japanese girl! PICTURES?? remember???
anyway, happy birthday in advance

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Peter said...


At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also rode a ways yesterday, maybe 15 miles (no computer, so no certainty) my first ride this spring. I'm so out of practice, I forgot a water bottle. I rode to work this morning, too, even though the temp is back in the 30s! with low tonight below freezing. glad you're well. what about that denshi jisho that you can write unknown kanji on?



At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS You were born in the morning of the 27th, it seems to me around 8 AM, so it was still the 27th in Tokyo, 14 hours ahead, about 10 PM. Thus, celebrate on Thursday with perfect confidence (and any other day you want, too.)


At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Peter--

Happy, happy birthday to you from your friends at the library! We're having fun reading your blog.


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