Thursday, May 11, 2006

this and that

i got permission to ride my bike to school today. i actually got permission to not wear my uniform when i show up at school, but i have to get a bike pass for the bike parking place. i will double check with the exchange program sometime. speaking of wys, i dont have a new host family yet, and i really want a cellphone so that i can talk to people, as the phone at my house broke. i had a fun experience on teh train today. there were some high school girls standing infront of me, and they were drinking these little tiny paper cups of coffee. one of them had finished hers, and had folded the cup up and placed it under her elbow. unfortunately, some of the coffee was left and spilled on her uniform jacket, and she didnt notice. so, i final told her, and they both were really surprised that i spoke japanese (no shit, more on that in a sec) after that, we had a nice chat for about 10 minutes then the got off the train. however, at their station, it wasnt just the got off the train and left, they waited for the train to leave as they were waving to me. speaking of girls, there are too damn many good looking girls in this country. grrrrrr.
right, so more on the surprised i spoke to japanese. i am the target of racial prejudice, but i am the only one who knows it. whenever i speak to a strange (such as the time on the train, or when i ask for directions) they answer me in english, and i have to tell them they should speak in japanese. its as if they dont think that a person like me can understand japanese. it is just a little thing, but it really bugs me.

it is pretty early and i really dont want to go home, i think i will wonder around, maybe see if i can buy some of there really cool looking pants i have seen recently. they are purple. how cool would that be?



At 3:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm all in favor of the cool purple pants, so go for it!! That's what grandpa says!

At 7:45 AM, Blogger Patrick said...

Purple is the new pink, yes you should get the purple pants.

I wish I was as suauve as you when I was in highschool. You keep coming up with the best intro's with the ladies.

Done any track racing yet?

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Peter said...

patrick, i havent done any real racing, but i did do some training races when i was at the keirin practice
ian, sorry to hear about the job, that blows. graduate students are a bunch of dicks. or at least the ones who took your job are. hows everyone at lincoln?


At 9:54 PM, Blogger MasterTaco said...

Haha, I've seen some purple pants here, they are quite nice...although the ones I found looked like they were McHammer's :P

And trust me, people will never ever expect you to speak Japanese, but think of it this way, do you ever expect a Japanese person to have good English? :)

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