Monday, May 01, 2006

outside of school.

i still havent joined a club. i was taking a walk by my house and watched some kids dancing in the park, i watched for a while and then tried to emulate them while hiding in the bushes, but when i couldnt do this one step, i went up and asked them how to do it. that was awkward. so i am practicing some dancing, but it is hard. the kids were boys and girls from highschool, college, and beyond. i also found a little rock gym by my house, and by gym i mean that they have walls and walls of bouldering, but nothing over about 15-20 feet high. i might go everyonce in a while if i feel like it. thats about it



At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Peter, I lost your blog for a bit, but Kurt W. finally posted your info on Veloshop for all to receive. Happy belated birthday. It sounds like you are taking a lot in. What an enormous learning experience! The team misses you. Oh, and advice for talking to the cute girl: ask her about herself; i.e. What do you like to do? etc, etc, etc. The other old standard: be yourself. That is all. Take care, Nikki

At 2:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of dancing? And what kinds of clubs are there, I don't think you ever mentioned them before. At Teikyo? Or do you mean cycling clubs? Did you go to Sunday keirin school?

And please don't go bouldering without your helmet on! A guy I used to work with at UP just lost his son, more or less exactly your age...landed on his head, helmetless, falling off his skateboard...

love, your pa

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