Thursday, May 22, 2008


I will write about my trip later.


At 3:00 AM, Blogger Bogota said...

Hi there, I just found your blog by chance while searching the net for some info I need and if you don`t mind, I’d like to ask you about it.
You said in one of your posts that you worked in an architecture (graduation?) project from some geidai`s student, well, in the future if someone asks you to help in anything that has to do with architecture……run away immediately! (do not let moral concepts stop you and use brute force if necessary)
In most cases it turns out to be a series of non-sleep nights, very few daytime hours of rest invaded by nightmares about the project, tons of coffee and cigarettes, little pay (if any), stress and paranoia of not being able to finish your part on time, etc.
I know that, i`m an architect…..
……. but let`s go back to the point, I want to engage in a post degree course in Tokyo through a Japanese scholarship program and I must gather some info about universities, investigation groups, teachers, etc. that`s why I am interested in contacting this mate of yours, the architecture student. The GEIDAI is one of my university options and i`d like to have some insider(s) to ask more specifically about their investigation and master`s degree study programs.
Could you help me on this?

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Prairie Dad said...

what a great video. Who is this guy?


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